We use tools on a daily basis in all weather and work situations. It must be able to work perfectly and reliably for years on end and may not let you down at crucial moments. Batenburg Energietechniek works together with renowned manufacturers.
We sell and rent tools for the installation of cabling. These are hand-hydraulic and electric crimping pliers or shears. Separate batteries and heads are also available. In addition, we repair and calibrate tools in our workshop and we are a certified Cembre repairer.
More information?
Joep van de Pasch

Cable tools
In order to prepare the cable for the connection, you will need cable preparation tools that are suitable for the structure of the cable and the cable accessories to be used. For our product range, see the flyer on the following link or contact our sales department for a demonstration.
Read more about cable tools here:

Cutting tools
Cutting a cable is no simple task, our mechanical, hydraulic cutters, either powered by mains voltage or a battery, are capable of cutting cables from 20 mm to 160 mm. There is, of course, always a risk of unexpected and unsuspected voltage being present on the cable. For such situations, we supply the certified cable cutting sets for all voltage levels. This is, of course, something one should experience in practice, so do not hesitate to request a demonstration at your premises.
Read more about cutting tools here:

Crimping tools
Crimping technology may sound simple, but it certainly is not. It is always the choice of the right crimping tool, matching die and matching cable connector. From a 3-tonne to a 100-tonne crimping force. We provide advice on any situation, connector and application. If necessary and desired, we provide “test crimping” according to current standards. For advice on your cable, cable connector and benefits, ask our sales department.
Read more about crimping tools here:

Innovation- ShortCircuitRing®
Due to the situation with feed-in to the low-voltage grid, a circumstance has arisen in which no single-sided earthing or switching off is safe anymore in the installation pit; a feed-in via a home or office can take place at any time due to the available solar panels or energy storage. In cooperation with our partners, Batenburg Energietechniek has developed the ShortCircuitRing®, which was tested according to the standard and is now “patent pending”. When used in the installation trench, the ShortCircuitRing® will provide a visible, safe short-circuit safety device ensuring work can be performed safely. See YouTube for more information or ask for a demonstration in your own installation trench.
Read more about the ShortCircuitRing®:

VDE insulated tools
Installation of the terminals in the low-voltage grid must be done with 1000V insulated tools. Whether you need socket spanners, ratchet spanners, inside hexagonal spanners supplemented with personal protective equipment such as a helmet, face shield and gloves, we offer a complete range for your personal safety. Ask our account managers for advice.
Read more about VDE insulated tools here: